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                                           ” Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power.”- Joyce Meyer


                                                                                Day 2 math drop

                                                                                     Birthdays: Alexandra Enrique and Karlie Redfern

House Standings

Animus Shield Humanitas Shield 2 Impetus Shield Integritas Shield






                                                                      Core Values


Cole Batchelor, Chase and Kody Huseby , Grayson Pomykata and Michael Sofio helped  Ms. Miller unload veggies for the faculty CSA. Way to show KINDNESS.


Derek Gordan and Julia Dunn returned trays to the cafeteria for a teacher. Very KIND.


Public Proclamations:


Wonderful introduction speeches in honor of Cum Laude.

Wonderful introduction speeches in honor of Cum Laude.

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors: Next year will be an exciting year for Cannon Arts with a brand new performance space and a big winter musical. If you think you might be interested in performing in the musical, please take a few minutes to fill out the brief survey that Mr. Mac emailed to you. Filling out the survey doesn’t commit you to auditioning, nor is it required for

A hug from Gossage to Gossage. Congratulations to Grant.

A hug from Gossage to Gossage. Congratulations to Grant.

participation, but your info will help the production team make the smartest choice of musical for our current pool of students. Contact Mr. Mac with any questions.


Sophomores – Your final session with College Counseling will be taking place during Math drop this Thursday in room 616.  Please bring your laptops.



Like to take pictures? Like to write? 

Interested in journalism, publishing, 

Matt Gossage spoke to students about learning for growth as a thinker.

Matt Gossage spoke to students about learning for growth as a thinker.

communication, or news? 



 No previous experience required! All 

interested are welcome.  

Contact Kelli Baker at:



Rising Juniors and Seniors: Don’t forget to register for an SAT or ACT Prep course this summer. Options available are: Princeton Review SAT Prep (June 23-27), HHG2C: SAT Prep (July 14-18), and HHG2C: ACT Prep (July 28-Aug 1). Registration is available at

Anna's heartfelt introductions were welcomed.

Anna’s heartfelt introductions were welcomed.



KONA ICE is coming this Tuesday, April 22nd!

As part of the Upper School’s Prom Promise activities, the SADD Club is hosting a Kona Ice Event this

Tuesday during lunch in the Quad


Enjoy delicious shaved ice for $3, $4, or $5 dollars

Remember to bring cash or debit card on Friday. Proceeds benefit SADD Club.


SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is a national student organization to promote healthy choices and decision making and Prom Promise is a national event where high school students pledge to have a

safe & sober prom.

Juniors & Seniors who sign the Prom Promise Pledge will get a 50 cent off coupon!

As part of the Upper School’s Prom Promise activities, the SADD Club is hosting a Kona Ice Event this

Tuesday during lunch in the Quad


Enjoy delicious shaved ice for $3, $4, or $5 dollars

Remember to bring cash or debit card on Friday. Proceeds benefit SADD Club.


SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is a national student organization to promote healthy choices and decision making and Prom Promise is a national event where high school students pledge to have a

safe & sober prom.

Juniors & Seniors who sign the Prom Promise Pledge will get a 50 cent off coupon!

Rising Seniors: Take the stress out of college applications in the fall. Attend one of the College Essay Boot Camps this summer. Sessions offered June 9-13 (only 2 spaces remain) and June 16-20 (only 12 spaces remain). Registration is available at




April is Autism Awareness Month, established to raise awareness about the developmental disorder that affects children’s normal development of social and communication skills.

April is also Arab-American Heritage Month and Tartan (Scottish-American) Heritage Month





Hugs and congratulations to inductees to Cum Laude.

Hugs and congratulations to inductees to Cum Laude.

2014 Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival 

There will be a meeting on Thursday, April 17th for students and faculty interested in attending the 2014 Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. The meeting will be held in the US library reference room at 11:45 am.

The Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival is widely acknowledged as the largest poetry event in North America. The heart of the Dodge Poetry Festival, High School Student Day, brings together thousands of students from across the country who are equally interested in poetry and the arts. 

The 2014 Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival is scheduled for October 23-25, 2014 in Newark, New Jersey.

Please contact Mr. Kmidowski for more information.


On May 3rd, there will be a 3v3 soccer tournament at Cannon! It is going to be for fun and everyone gets a

Mr. Gossage and Mrs. Otey congratulate Rachel.

Mr. Gossage and Mrs. Otey congratulate Rachel.

tshirt if they make a team so even if you have never played soccer before, it was still be a blast! All money goes towards the SpokesGroup in Charlotte. If interested, there are flyers on the Capstone board in the English wing or talk to Jake Flynn or Anna Estep. 






After School Events:

Spanish field trip

Spanish field trip

Lacrosse – Boys Varsity
Location: Cannon School
Lacrosse – Boys Varsity vs Durham Academy